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Our Curriculum

We utilize a combination of industry-respected curriculum and our own proprietary learning tools. This blend provides children with a dynamic, well-rounded system to achieve developmental and academic objectives. Our qualified and compassionate teachers develop lesson plans and use assessment results to guide instruction and activities. Our holistic approach to learning offers creativity, flexibility, structure, and measurable benchmarks.


Our curriculum features the best of:

Baby Signs®

Baby Signs encourages communication with children who may not yet be able to express themselves verbally, so they can communicate wants and needs to caregivers, such as:

Milk | More | All Done | Eat

Signs are always presented both verbally and with the hand motion, thereby encouraging language development as well. Research shows that using sign language with hearing babies:

  • Reduces aggressive behaviors
  • Builds trust between babies and caregivers
  • Promotes positive emotional development
  • Boosts their self-confidence and self-esteem

Language and Literacy

We designed our proprietary Language and Literacy Program, to provide a structured, streamlined framework for ongoing instruction in language acquisition and literacy skills.

The program begins in our infant classrooms. Each age group’s unique lessons, activities, and vocabulary lists build upon previous lessons from the prior classroom so children draw upon previous knowledge and expand their understanding of concepts at each stage.

Get Set for School®from Learning Without Tears®

This nationally recognized curriculum introduces writing with child-friendly teaching strategies, such as using music and movement to bring lessons to life, and multisensory manipulatives to build fine and gross motor skills. Lessons teach body awareness, cooperation, taking turns, listening, crayon grip, letter and number recognition, and capital letter and number formation.

Values Character Education

Effective problem-solving, decision making, and conflict resolution are crucial skills to a child’s early school years, when making friends and learning go hand in hand. The goal is to prepare children to become morally responsible, self-disciplined citizens.

    When preschool children are encouraged to model positive characteristics, they excel more upon reaching kindergarten and develop social skills that will carry over into their adult years.

    STEM Curriculum

    Children are natural-born scientists, eager to explore spaces and experiment with objects in their environment, and at our schools, we want to encourage and nurture this interest.

    Our STEM curriculum provides hands-on activities to promote a sense of wonder and interest in the natural world, by exploring broad units of study.

    Our Educators

    Our caregivers and teachers have the experience, expertise, and education to support the age group they work with and to enhance your child’s care and education.

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    School Tours: Online or Onsite

    Check out your local school for yourself to see all the exciting things going on! Depending on location, virtual and/or in-person tours may be available. 

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